Monday, May 2, 2011

Tips on How To Survive As A Student Nurse

My first day as a student nurse was frightening.  I can fell the ball rolling down my tummy and wanting to go to bathroom every now and then.  There were so many things questions in my mind. Will i make friends or will they like an older classmate.  Can i cope up with the lessons being out of education for over 10 years?  Can i really put into practice what i will learn in the class?  The worst is can i keep my promise to my husband that i can manage my time as a student, a wife and a mother!  For over a year now, i would say YES. In fact i am 1 of the deans list in the class and i have conquered all my fears during clinical posting time.  Though you fell scared on your first days on new hospital setting but definitely you be able to cope up once you are familiar with the new environment and the people around.

If you’re feeling nervous, let me reassure you. You are about to start the most amazing adventure. The next few years will be the most rewarding of your life.

Being a student nurse is a privilege and a wonderful experience. Yes it can be hard, yes you may struggle, but every moment is worth it. As you learn, you will acquire valuable memories that will stay with you throughout your career.  You will make friends who will stay with you for the rest of your life. Hold on to those special people who encourage and support you.

So what’s the most important thing to do as you embrace this new stage of your life? Enjoy it! All the best to guys!

  • Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, but try your hardest and be proud of your achievements.
  • Listen, understand and relate the lesson.  You can score even for twisted and tricky question.
  • Ask if you have any doubts. 
  • Learn to laugh at yourself. You will make mistakes, but that is how you learn.
  • Manage your time for your studies, extra curricular activities, houseworks, exercise and others carefully.  Nursing needs ample time to study.
  • Practice procedures many times and if you are not sure of the steps and proper ways to do it, ask your tutor, lecturer, or Clinical Instructor.  Remember practice makes perfect!
  • Be ready for your clinical posting.  Read and refresh your new and old notes.  Clinical Instructors (CI) loves to ask question every technical words you say and make sure you know the rationale.
  • Be confident in every procedures you do with your CI.  This builds trust with the patient.
  • Never try and do something if you are unclear about what you’ve been asked to do. It is always better to ask even 10 times if needed to fully understand rather make mistakes.
  • Learn to laugh at yourself. Everyone make mistakes but learn from it.
  • Keep a diary and/or write reflective accounts of your experiences. This may seem like a chore but when you read it, you’ll realise just how far you’ve come. It’s also a good way of venting emotions and putting things in perspective.
  • Don’t refer to patients by their condition or bed number rather learn their names! That and a kind word can work wonders.
  • Don't get disappointed when you are address as "the student" instead of your name.
  • Be ready for criticism.  Don't be discouraged no matter how well you think you are doing.  Take it positively.
  • Get used to assessment and appraisal.  It is part of the training.  Remember every CI has their own assessment and some has prejudices, don't be discouraged and accept it with good grace.
  • Respect healthcare assistants. They know the wards inside and out. If you’re looking for something, they will know where to find things. Form good relationships with them and they will support you.
  • Don’t be afraid to cry. I wouldn’t recommend you do it on the ward, but it is perfectly OK to cry. We all have awful days as student nurses and it’s important to deal with them. And then it’s time to move on - tomorrow will bring new challenges and new people.
This is the favorite saying our head of the nursing school will always remind us...

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